Vladimir Putin: “Biden is more predictable to Moscow than Trump”

Asked by a journalist which president would be better for Russia, Mr Putin replied: “Biden, he's a very experienced person. He's predictable, he's an old-fashioned politician.”

However, Mr. The Russian president declined to comment on the debate in the United States about Biden's age.

“It's true that when I met Mr. Biden in Switzerland, three years ago, there was already talk about his disability, but I didn't see anything like that,” he said.

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“What we need to see is the political position and position of the current (US) administration which is very harmful and wrong,” Putin added.

Moscow will “cooperate with any American leader that the American people trust,” he said.

The US presidential campaign was rocked last week by a magistrate's devastating comments about the 81-year-old US president's failing memory. This observation was rejected by Joe Biden's camp.

Former Republican President Donald Trump has recently been accused of playing into the hands of Russia. He has sparked European anger by recently threatening to encourage Russia to attack NATO countries whose defense spending is deemed inadequate.

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