“Villages fall, week by week”: Is Ukraine losing the war?

We no longer talk about it every day, but the war in Ukraine continues. Russian pressure on the Eastern Front is intensifying. Moscow has managed to take several villages in recent weeks. Ukraine now realizes that the situation is becoming more complicated and fears that the Russian military is preparing for a much larger offensive.

Lydia, 98, leaned on a log and walked ten kilometers when a Ukrainian soldier stopped by her side: “I was on all fours. I was crawling. I was walking. I tried to walk. A car stopped in front of me. They said to me: 'Grandma, where are you going? Nanchenarian was picked up by soldiers on the side of a road in the middle of a war zone. She was tired: “I thought they were going to shoot me while I was dragging my feet. I suffered so much!

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Lydia lived in Ocheritin. The Russian bombings there were terrible. Here in the east, the enemy has been advancing since February and the fall of Fort Atvivka. Villages fall week by week.

Situation on the front lines

Also mild conditions in Kharkiv to the north. and in the south in Odessa. There is a shortage of soldiers and ammunition. Western weapons are slow to arrive. The Ukrainian chief of staff describes a more complicated situation: “The situation is getting worse. Russia is aggressively attacking on the front line. It achieves tactical victories,” he admits Oleksandr Chirsky, Ukrainian Chief of Staff.

See also  Volodymyr Zelensky called on the US Senate to provide Q with $61 billion in aid.

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President Zelensky calls to arms as quickly as possible. “The Russian army is preparing for further offensive operations. We must unite and defeat the Russian attack“, declares Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Has Ukraine lost the war?

Ukraine has been inundated for months. But it's not too late for Ukraine to win. Additional support availableNATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg promises.

Americans have provided $61 billion in military aid. The weapon will reach the frontline within one to two months. Golden time for Russians.

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