US Presidential Election: A Debate Between Trump’s Final Four Contenders

Now reduced to four participants (chosen based on their performance in the polls and the confidence they inspire in donors to fund their campaigns), the meeting would have been an opportunity for a truly substantive debate, forty days before the curtain rises on the primaries. Iowa Caucuses. There is nothing in it, so to speak. It was enough to prove Donald Trump right once again, citing its futility and futility, and continued to ignore the exercise – the former president took part in a fundraising evening at Hallandale Beach in Florida at the same time.

Nikki Haley is the woman who wants to block Donald Trump’s path

Donald Trump is untouchable

The provocation was undoubtedly less than in the past: on November 8, during the third debate in Miami, Donald Trump organized a large election rally a few kilometers away as a snub. The former president, predicted by all polls to return to the White House, no doubt felt no need to add more. Opinion polls give him an overwhelming lead over other contenders (he has over 60% compared to less than 20% for others). And he could see again how untouchable he was: Only former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie dared to attack him head-on on Wednesday, DeSantis and Ramasamy wanted to escape, while Haley wanted only to doubt the merits. Its Chinese policy.

Of the four debaters, Nikki Haley has the most to gain — and lose — and could stop a minor misstep that has left many Republicans uncomfortable for weeks as the best choice to deny Donald Trump a new coronation. The importance of the issue certainly contributed to putting the candidate on the defensive and robbing her of a flamboyant demonstration that could have bolstered her aura. At the very least, Chris would have enjoyed the accolades addressed to her by Christie and the support he expressed for her, foreshadowing a potential rally as the battleground inevitably tightens.

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Donald Trump remains the favorite for the presidency no matter how he tests out

The Rise of Ron DeSantis

Ron DeSantis undeniably took advantage of the situation. Florida’s governor gave the least of his four shows on Wednesday, stepping up attacks against the poll hot spot and threatening his position as a natural challenger to Donald Trump. He also attacked Nikki Haley for her “left-wing” views and contributions from Democratic donors, as well as her welcome to Chinese companies when she governed South Carolina — China is a traditional scapegoat in US presidential campaigns. In the states. However, he could not emerge from all his exchanges unscathed. “I have a habit of standing up and doing the right thing,” DeSantis said. “You have a habit of lying most of the time,” Haley replied.

But nobody can beat Vivek Ramasamy when it comes to lies. Perhaps his swan song and his last participation in a presidential debate is why,

The Ohio businessman has dabbled in conspiracy theories ranging from government lies about the September 11, 2001 attacks to the inevitable “great replacement” of white people on American soil. Argument that climate change is not only “a hoax” but also “a new religion” forcing Americans to “kneel”. “By bowing down to this new climate god we are beating ourselves up and losing our modern way of life,” the candidate said.

A Republican Party in Crisis

Ramaswamy’s revelations, like his accusations against Nikki Haley, accusing him of being corrupt, led Chris Christie to denounce him as “the most despicable hypocrite in all of America”. That one of the leading candidates for the US presidency should qualify in this way testifies to the crisis facing the Republican Party. A crisis was explained by Kevin McCarthy’s announcement that he is leaving Congress at the end of this month, giving up his seat in the House of Representatives just hours before his term ends. The 58-year-old California lawmaker was hard-fought for the presidency of the House on Jan. 7 before being ousted nine months later by an initiative of a handful of ultra-conservatives subservient to Donald Trump. He had clearly not recovered from an insult.

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