Unprecedented sanction for Nicolas Sarkozy: Former president sentenced to three years in prison, including one year on appeal

His historical lawyer Thierry Herzog and former senior magistrate Gilbert Azibert received the same sentences in 2014 after being accused of entering into a “corrupt deal” with him. An appeals court announced a three-year civil rights ban on Nicolas Sarkozy, which disqualifies him, and a three-year ban on practicing for Mee Herzog.

Therefore, the Paris Court of Appeal, on March 1, 2021, upheld the sentence announced in the first instance against the former President of the Republic, 68, clutching his jaw as he sat on the defendants’ bench and heard the verdict.

On December 13, the public prosecutor’s office requested a three-year suspended prison sentence for the three defendants, who have always denied any corruption.

The former strongman of the right contested “with great force” during the appeal hearing, the allegations, which he reaffirmed to the bar that he “didn’t spoil anyone”.

The decision was expected when Nicolas Sarkozy is re-trialed on appeal in the “Pykmelion” case, and he is threatened with a third trial: the PNF demanded on Thursday his dismissal in amendments to the suspicions of Libyan financing. His 2007 presidential campaign.

Nicolas Sarkozy appeals in cassation

Former President Nicolas Sarkozy was sentenced on Wednesday to three years in prison, including one year to be hanged under an electronic bracelet, for corruption and influence peddling, his lawyer Jacqueline Laffont announced in cassation.

“Nicolas Sarkozy is innocent of the charges against him,” declared Me Laffont. “We will go to the end of the legal path,” he added, speaking of the “surprising” outcome. The former head of state left the courtroom without making a statement.

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