UN says 250,000 people affected by new evacuation orders in southern Gaza Strip

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The war between Israel and Hamas has killed 37,925 people in the Gaza Strip, mostly civilians, according to a new report released Tuesday July 2 by the Palestinian Islamic Movement’s health ministry. About 1,170 people died on the Israeli side during a Hamas attack on October 7, 2023 – most of them civilians – according to an Agence France-Presse (AFP) count based on official Israeli sources. According to the Israeli military674 Israeli soldiers were also killed.

250,000 Palestinians in southern Gaza have called to leave

On Tuesday, the Israeli military continued its bombardment of Palestinian territory, devastated by nearly nine months of war, particularly in the south of the territory, as it issued new evacuation orders. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) estimates that “Only about 250,000 people” affected by these orders. The Israeli military also says it is continuing its operations in Sadjaya (northern) and central Gaza.

AFP images showed displaced families amid the rubble of the city of Khan Younes (south), fleeing again on foot or crammed into trailers.

Also Read | The article is reserved for our subscribers The Israel-Hamas War: The Orphan’s Tragedy, Tearing Down the Social Fabric of the Gaza Strip

According to the United Nations, 1.9 million people have been displaced in the Gaza Strip. In addition, the war has caused a humanitarian catastrophe in the region, where 2.4 million people live in dire conditions. “catastrophe”.

After launching a ground offensive in the north of Gaza on October 27, the Israeli army gradually moved south, where it launched a ground operation in Rafah on May 7, then presented as the final phase of the war. But in recent weeks, fighting has intensified again in several regions the army claimed to control, particularly in the north of the territory.

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In Lebanon, Israeli strikes kill civilians

Official media and a local official in Lebanon announced Tuesday that a civilian was killed in an Israeli attack on a border village in the south of the country. Since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which backs the Palestinian Islamist movement, has continued to exchange fire with the Israeli army along the border.

Hezbollah claims to have fired rockets into northern Israel “Avenging the death of a citizen”. The Israeli military said it had intercepted “Ten Missiles” in the middle “About fifteen projectiles were launched from Lebanon”He said that no one was injured in the attack.

At least 493 people have been killed in nearly nine months of violence in Lebanon, including mostly Hezbollah fighters and 95 civilians, according to an AFP tally. Israel said at least 15 soldiers and 11 civilians were killed on the Israeli side.

Fears that the violence could degenerate into an all-out war in Lebanon rose in June, but the intensity of the fighting has eased relatively over the past week.

Also Read | The article is reserved for our subscribers Hezbollah is a broad and progressive influence in Lebanon

Benjamin Netanyahu does not want to succumb to “defeat”.

The Israeli prime minister announced on Tuesday that he did not want to “Surrender to the Sirens of Failure”. The war will end once Israel achieves all of its objectives, including the destruction of Hamas and the release of all hostages., he emphasized. Of the 251 people abducted during the attack on October 7, 2023, 116 are still being held in Gaza, and 42 of them were killed, the military said.

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This includes reacting to anonymous reports The New York TimesMr. Netanyahu confirmed this. “won’t happen”. He promised on Monday “The End of the Phase of Eliminating the Hamas Terrorist Army” It was getting close.

Dozens of Palestinian prisoners were released

On Monday, dozens of Palestinian prisoners, including the director of Al-Shifa Hospital, Muhammad Abu Salmiya, were released by the Jewish state and transferred to medical centers in the Gaza Strip. Mr. Salmiya said he was implicated “To severe torture” During his seven-month detention. “Prisoners are subjected to all kinds of torture”He accused. “Many prisoners died. »

Release of Muhammad Abu Zalmia angered many Israeli politicians. Happened without notice“Political Status”He condemned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who described it as “serious error” : “This man’s place in the prison is under the charge of killing and imprisoning our hostages. »

The Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic intelligence service, used one method “Free Space” in prisons. Being Shin Beth “Against the release of terrorists (…) Hamas engages in fighting and attacks on Israeli civilians (…), “It was decided to release several low-risk prisoners from Gaza.”.

Also Read | The article is reserved for our subscribers In Israel, the release of the director of Al-Shifa Hospital creates controversy

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