Ukraine takes action against its elected officials and senior officials: “It’s a populist decision”

The government’s decision came after press reports emerged that an assistant attorney general had recently gone on holiday to the popular Spanish resort of Marbella.

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LThe Ukrainian government, amid recent scandals involving key leaders, has banned its senior officials and all elected officials from traveling abroad on vacation during the Russian invasion.

Adopted on Friday, a government resolution to this effect “has already entered into force”, Ukrainian border guard spokesman Andriy Demchenko told AFP on Monday. “Now they can only go on one mission. »

After the start of the Russian invasion launched in February 2022, Ukraine banned men of war age (18-60) from traveling abroad, with rare exceptions requiring the permission of public authorities.

With this new decision, senior officers can go on leave abroad only to visit their children or for medical treatment or the death of a loved one, Mr. Demtchenko.

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According to the document published on the government’s official website, the ban also extends to female senior civil servants and representatives and local elected officials.

Member of Parliament Irina Gerashchenko condemned the “populist decision” on Facebook, citing “signs of discrimination against thousands of Ukrainian women and their children,” while the country has 15,000 locally elected women.

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“The authorities first invited everyone who could go with children for the winter, and now there is a ban on going out,” he lamented. “In the context of war, it is important to protect the psychological health of women and their children,” she argued.

The government’s decision came after press reports emerged that an assistant attorney general had recently gone on holiday to the popular Spanish resort of Marbella.

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Oleksiy Symonenko was removed from his post on January 25, as part of a series of dismissals initiated by President Volodymyr Zelensky following a corruption case involving military supplies.

Mykola Tichengo, a member of the Presidential Party, was also kicked out of the Presidential Party’s Parliamentary Committee on January 26 after a trip to Thailand. Finally, an influential media outlet on Friday accused former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko of vacationing in a luxury villa in the United Arab Emirates.

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