Ukraine: Moscow refuses to deploy armed forces, first sanctions fall (live)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has challenged the West by recognizing the independence of the secluded parts of eastern Ukraine. This Tuesday, the first concrete obstacles fell.

These mutual aid agreements with the two separatist organizations, which have been fighting the Ukrainian armed forces for eight years with Russian support, are valid for a decade. They arrange cooperation with Moscow in the fields of defense and economics and finance.

The texts, published on the Duma’s website, show that the parties ensure their security, share military bases and generally defend their borders.

Deployment “not currently” planned

The agreements form the “legal basis for the presence” in these regions, “the Russian military units necessary to maintain peace in the region and ensure lasting security for the parties”, according to the explanatory note with these speeches. These documents “adjust the parties’ obligations to ensure mutual assistance in the event of an attack by a party”, and “provide joint security of borders”.

Russia has no “current” intention to deploy troops in separatist areas in eastern Ukraine, but will do so in the event of a “threat,” Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko announced Monday. “Military assistance is expected in the agreement (with the separatists), but we do not speculate. For now, we are not ready to send anyone anywhere,” the Russian official said.

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Ukraine, concern, appeals

Following Vladimir Putin’s announcement, Ukraine called on the West to impose “tough sanctions”. “Ukrainian diplomacy is actively working in foreign capitals to impose tough sanctions on the Russian Federation.”

By recognizing the separatist “republics” in eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky later accused Russia of preparing the legal basis for continuing its military occupation of the country. “By this decision, we consider that Russia is legally creating (the basis) for the continuation of its military aggression against the Ukrainian state,” he said. Zhelensky announced.

The first obstacles fall

This plot of Moscow is going badly to the west. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has announced that he will suspend approval for the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline that connects Russia with Germany. This is one of the first concrete steps taken after Putin’s coup.

According to a commission report, the EU is also proposing to block access to European financial markets and services, targeting banks and banks that finance Russian military operations in the Ukrainian secession areas that recognize Moscow’s independence.

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