Two months before the election, Macron's grand ambitions for Europe

“Europe May Die”, Emmanuel Macron, resident from the great amphitheater of the Sorbonne, Thursday April 25, where he returned after seven years for his first speech in this enclosure to present his vision of the European Union (EU). Not shying away from dramatizing the issues, the president described the old continent as under attack at its foundations, while war in Ukraine rages on its borders, the rivalry between the US and China sidelines it, and environmental and digital changes sharpen rivalries in the world and it. “Attacks on our liberal democracy” Multiplier.

“For Europe not to disappearEmmanuel Macron continued, We must respond with strength, prosperity and humanity. » For two hours, in a mixture of emphasis and concrete propositions, we shall see if they will one day become reality, he tried to explain his point. While polls for the June 9 European referendum threaten the president's majority, it's a way to pretend to ignore electoral issues and get your own way into the campaign.

Nevertheless, the head of state gave a hint to the French far-right, presiding over the referendum, which could threaten Europe from within. Since Brexit, he pointed out, “Nobody dares to propose leaving Europe or the euro.” Henceforth, the National Rally (RN) and its nationalist friendss Have another plan, which Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán summarizes as follows: “Occupy Brussels” to bring “We are changing in the European Union”. So, warned Emmanuel Macron. “By some trick of history Europe can die of its own accord”.

“Best European Loan” for Arms

after'“Sovereign Europe” In 2017, the head of state is now pleading loudly “Power Europe” — a comment hitherto considered the most French of the twenty-seven. He suggests “Bring reliable security to the continent”Based on both “NATO'S EUROPEAN PILLAR WE ARE BUILDING”But on that day “A European Security Framework”. To do this, Mr. Macron proposes “A European Defense Initiative” A. to develop in the coming months “General Strategy” The Union must define the weapons with which it must equip itself.

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Incidentally, the President once again instructs the French to make nuclear weapons available to the Twenty-seven. “Therefore an indispensable element in the defense of the European continent”, without proposing to share the power to ignite nuclear fires, he said. It also opens the door to a continental anti-missile shield that Paris forcefully rejected when Berlin proposed it within the framework of NATO shortly after Russia's invasion of Ukraine began.

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