Trump bragged about explaining the reasons for his recent threats against NATO

The Republican billionaire sowed panic in Europe in February when he threatened that NATO countries could not guarantee security against Russia unless they did their part.

It has been heavily criticized by several European leaders and his Democratic rival, US President Joe Biden.

“It's a way to negotiate,” said the boisterous septuagenarian during a tête-à-tête with British far-right figure Nigel Farage.

“America has to pay its share, not everyone else's,” the former businessman told GB News.

Strong words from NATO secretary general toward Trump: “Ideas that weaken our security, including that of the United States”

Donald Trump bragged about filling NATO coffers with his comments.

“Two or three weeks ago they started paying because of these comments you saw,” he said, without giving an example.

The Republican, who faces Democratic President Joe Biden in the November election, continues to criticize North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies for failing to meet their commitments on military spending.

“Don't forget that this is more important to them than to us, and there is an ocean that separates us from certain problems,” he stressed on Tuesday. “A big, beautiful sea.”

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