Trevor NoahReply to Kanye West Throwing a racist slur at him is full of sympathy for what the rapper sees — a situation the Daily Show host describes as heartbreaking.
Trevor went straight to the source, and posted comment On Ye’s IG seeking to de-escalate their dispute – at first he points out how positively the West has had on his life.
Trevor then clenched Yi’s heart strings, saying… “You are an indelible part of my life Ye, which is why it breaks my heart to see you like this.”
Trevor says he doesn’t care if Kanye supports Donald Trump or roasting Pete Davidsonthen adds… “But I care when I see you on a path so perilously close to danger and pain.”
Keep in mind that Trevor left this comment on Kanye’s since-deleted post where it is Trevor is called a “k**n” …which Kanye posted following Trevor’s warning of Ye’s feud with him Kim kardashian And Pete can turn violent.
Trevor urges Kanye to understand that there is a difference between fighting for his family, and simply fighting his family – because he doesn’t want to wake up one day to the news that Kanye has done something awful.
As we reported… Julia Fox She told us her ex-boyfriend innocuousand only expresses himself as an artist when he stalks Pete and Kim online. However, Trevor says he’d rather be an asshole who takes Kanye’s words seriously and speaks up… rather than stay silent and regret later.
Trevor also addresses the racial adjective, telling Kanye, “Never forget, the biggest racist trick racists ever played on black people was to teach us to strip each other of our blackness whenever we disagreed.”
As reported… Kanye’s attack on Trevor was part of his raison d’être Suspended from using Instagram.
Trevor’s comment ends with some comedy to lighten the mood… He says Kanye’s objection was actually funny and he wishes you luck, hoping they can laugh about the beef one day.
Overall, it’s about as “highway” as one can get.
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