This girl accidentally married a stranger for 13 years

This is an extraordinary story that happened to Barbara, who lives in Saint-Nazaire, Loire-Atlantique, France. When she began the process of getting a new ID card after losing hers, her town hall administration asked her if she wanted to write “widow or wife” behind her name. Much surprised by this request, he was satisfied by replying that he was not married.

Problem is, three weeks later the town hall reiterates the same request. The Secretariat informs her that she is married with effect from February 14, 2009, as per the entry on her birth certificate. Barbara discovers that the ceremony took place in Curante a few months before her son’s birth. To correct the error, the town hall sends an email to the mother saying she is not married. A request Barbara refused. “It was not my fault. I immediately asked for a copy of my boy’s deed, fortunately there were no traces of this person,” he justifies himself to our French colleagues from the Echo.

To understand what might have happened, the mother of the family decided to trace her fake husband based on his name. “I contacted him on the phone on Saturday, November 5. He replied that he did not take me seriously and that all his documents were in order. He finally agreed to call the town hall. The civil status would have told him that this error would have no effect on him, but on February 14, 2009, he was married. It should have consequences for his wife who did it,” explains Barbara. “I did not share his wife’s first or last name. We were born in the same year, one day apart, in the same city,” he continues.

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In the meantime, Barbara’s request for an ID card has been put on hold, and she is waiting to meet with the person in charge of the Civil Status Service to correct the error as soon as possible.

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