They're impatiently waiting for 2036: Here are Putin's five potential successors

Putin is likely to remain in power until 2036, after which he will appoint a successor. Independent news site Riddle Draws up a list of five potential successors.

Dmitry Patrushev, the current Agriculture Minister is the son of Russian Security Council Chairman Nikolai Patrushev, one of Putin's oldest and closest allies, and Prigozhin, who is suspected of being behind Yevgeny's death. At 46, Dmitry Patrushev was once considered prime minister of Russia, but the war in Ukraine put obstacles in his way. Western sanctions have damaged the agricultural sector, undermined Putin's election campaign and raised prices.

General Secretary of “United Russia”, Putin's party, Andrzej Tortzjak, Also expected. At 48, this member of the elite of the Russian president's hometown of St. Petersburg is currently trying to become mayor.

Andrei Vorobyov Head of the Moscow region. The son of a senator, he is close to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu's clan. The 54-year-old has a good relationship with Putin's former bodyguards and National Guard chief Viktor Zolotov. However, he would need to obtain a federal post to claim to be “Putin's successor”.

Gleb Nikitin Nizhny is the governor of the industrial region of Novgorod, often visited by Putin. He is a protégé of Sergei Chemezov, head of state-owned military-industrial complex Rostec. He was the Deputy Minister of Industry in the Union Government, but needed full ministerial status to be a candidate.

Closest to the President, Maxim Oreshkin, the former Minister of Economic Development is now an aide to Putin and is actively participating in the election campaign. All indications are that he will be named Deputy Prime Minister or Prime Minister after this year's elections. He presents himself as a technician under the command of his boss, an attitude that clearly pleases the Russian dictator.

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