The three zodiac signs with raw horoscopes for January 25, 2023

This day promises to be ripe with super smart ideas that tend to go wrong just by talking about them. Well, what the hell does that mean? Let’s discuss this. Today, we’re going to get smart. Smart enough to know things.

Smart enough to change our lives. Smart enough to know that our words will match what we have in mind. Having said all of this, the only thing we need for the day to match our bright minds is something or someone who is accepting of us. Unfortunately, creativity needs receptivity, which Sexual Moon-Pluto transit seeks to destroy.

Related: The 3 Zodiac Signs That Demand Respect in Their Relationships During the Moon in Aries, January 25-27, 2023

We will seek connection today, facing adversity and opposition. January 25th brings the Moon sextile Pluto, this transit The road leads to confusion. We may not understand why this day continues to bring us down by the peg; After all, we keep trying, right?

We keep doing the right thing, right? Well, this is where the lesson of humility comes in to tell us that just because we’re doing it right doesn’t mean we’re going to succeed. Thanks for the ice water bucket, Moon sextile Pluto!

In terms of creativity, it’s a good day. But be prepared to work in a bubble, because this is not the day to share ideas. Just do something without seeking approval (because basically you won’t get it from anyone).

Related: The three zodiac signs who are the luckiest in love on January 25, 2023

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