The next day, when her parents woke her up, they discovered the horror “they couldn’t believe we lost our little girl.”

Last Sunday, the parents of two-year-old Hayley Thompson took their daughter to the emergency department at City Hospital in Wigan, England. The girl developed fever and difficulty in breathing. But unfortunately, the hospital emergency room was full that night and the medical staff decided to send Hailey home with her parents.

But when they went to wake their daughter the next morning, Chris, 32, and Iboila, 35, were horrified to find their daughter dead in bed. The child’s father tried to revive her until help arrived. She was then taken to hospital, but it was too late for the two-year-old. “We can’t believe we’ve lost our little girl,” Chris Thompson responded in the Mirror column. “It all happened so fast, it was like something took control of his body,” she adds.


It was on December 7 that the child fell ill. A pediatrician prescribed her antibiotics, but Hailey had an allergic reaction and the treatment was quickly stopped. A week later, during a consultation with the doctor, the girl’s parents learned that their daughter had a viral infection and now had to take paracetamol. The day after that visit, when Krish went to wake up her daughter, she was choking. He immediately called for help, but was told he would be better off going to the emergency room himself because he would wait more than two hours for an ambulance.

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It was at the hospital that the parents were told to come back with their daughter and if she was unwell after three days, they would have to come back. The child was found dead within 24 hours.

Hayley’s parents have decided to press charges against the Royal Albert Hospital in Wigan, where their daughter was sent home the day before her death. “How can a healthy baby die in its sleep? Why wasn’t she tested for strep, covid or scarlet fever? “, laments his father. An autopsy will provide more details about Hailey’s tragic death.

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