The iPad Pro ad looks better in reverse; Hugh Grant and others criticize

Hollywood names have criticized Apple’s new ad for the iPad Pro, because it depicts the crushing of musical instruments, paints, camera lenses, books, movie characters, sculptures and more.

Actor Hugh Grant was one of those who opposed the ad, tweeting that what it showed was the “destruction of the human experience, thanks to Silicon Valley”…

The dramatic ad, which was first seen during Relax The event is clearly meant to show that all these different types of creative work can be squeezed into an iPad — and that the new, ultra-thin device is capable of being used by writers, filmmakers, musicians, photographers and more.

but diverse Reports indicate that some argue that it literally depicts what the tech industry does to creatives.

Producer, director and writer Asif Kapadia books“Like iPads but I don’t know why anyone thought this ad was a good idea. It’s the most honest metaphor for what tech companies do to the arts, to artists and musicians and creatives and writers and filmmakers: they squeeze them, they use them, they don’t pay them well, they take everything and then She says everything is their own making.

Director and author Justine Bateman was more succinct.

Actor Luke Barnett didn’t pull any punches.

If you think this iPad ad is weird, you should have watched the first clip where they line up all your favorite characters and film them.

Halide co-founder Sebastian D.W He also noted that the ad is not doing well in Japan.

I found it interesting to read the Japanese backlash to this, some of which are particularly disturbed by the belief in “tsukumogami” – the idea that creative tools can have a soul of their own (a nice idea), so destroying them is truly evil… Not good looking

But the best response was from director Reza Sikso Safaei, who showed the ad in reverse.

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I have to say, I think he has a point – that it would have been better to start with this “impossibly thin” device, and then show all these amazing things coming out of it.

What is your point of view? Was Apple’s new iPad Pro announcement a success or a failure? Is reversing that actually better for selling the device? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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