The American actor was again accused of murder

All around affair Deadly shooting on film sets Rust Enjoys a new twist. This Friday January 19, the American actor Alec Baldwin again charged with manslaughter. However, proceedings against the actor were initially dropped in April 2023 after the first charge of manslaughter.

Shooting a western film Rust A dramatic turn occurred in October 2021. Actor Alec Baldwin pointed out A weapon was supposed to contain only fake bullets, but a real one struck and killed cameraman Halina Hutchins.. The film's director, Joel Sosa, was also injured.

The attorney responsible for the hotly contested Hollywood case declined to divulge the reasons for the decision. “We are awaiting a court appearance,” the actor's lawyers responded in a press release.

The status of the actor has not changed

Since the beginning of this affair, Alec Baldwin maintains his innocence. The 65-year-old actor insisted on several occasions that he was assured his weapon was not dangerous. He also denies incitement. Inquiries are yet to be made to ascertain exactly what happened. The key question is determining whether or not the weapon Alec Baldwin was holding was self-inflicted.

In case of punishment, the actor looked inside Beetle juice Or in a movie series Impossible taskdanger 18 months imprisonment. In this case, in the film The Gunman, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed was also charged with manslaughter. His trial is scheduled to begin on February 21.

The victim's family is seeking damages from Baldwin

In a preliminary investigation, police determined that Hanna Gutierrez-Reid put the ammunition in the weapon used by Alec Baldwin instead of a fake bullet. Research has not been able to establish how live ammunition could have gotten onto the set of the film, where only blank cartridges are normally allowed.

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The victim's family is still seeking damages from Alec Baldwin in civil proceedings. Prosecutors “have determined there is sufficient evidence to charge Alec Baldwin with involuntary manslaughter,” their attorney, Gloria Allred, responded Friday. “We look forward to the criminal trial that will determine whether he should be punished for Halina's untimely death,” he continued.

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