Terrifying testimony of a Ukrainian who was tortured and buried with his brothers killed by Russian soldiers

Last March, in Tovjik, a Russian convoy was attacked. Re-integrated, the soldiers search for leaders among the villagers.

They meet 33-year-old Mykola Kulichenko and his two brothers. At their home, the Armed Forces found their grandfather’s military medals and Mykola’s military bag. The siblings are taken into custody and tortured.

The Ukrainian describes the horrific scenes they experienced: “They beat me with a metal rod and put a gun in my mouth.”

Later in the testimony, Mykola describes losing consciousness and being tied up and taken to a secluded place in a vehicle with her brothers. Upon coming out, the Russian soldiers began to dig a pit.

A shot then went. The second follows. Only two of his brothers have now been killed. The same rule is assigned to Mykola. The bullet came out, crossed his cheek, and emerged miraculously through his right ear. The young man decides to die and play to deceive the executioners. The bodies are thrown into the pit and covered with soil.

Although buried and his legs and fists bound, the survivor is able to rise to the surface. He reached a house where he was being treated, and finally he joined his sister, meanwhile the family returned home and during the tragedy he disappeared: “I looked into her eyes and asked where my other brothers were,” says Irina. “No one else,” Mycola replied.

The latter is known to have known “luck”: “Now I have to go through life. I’m only one in a billion cases if I want others to hear my story being told around the world because things like this happen.”

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