Tension in Kosovo: NATO sends more troops after violent clashes

NATO has decided to continue sending additional troops to northern Kosovo Violent conflicts The organization said in Brussels on Friday that it would deploy police against Serbian paramilitaries. The coalition did not specify the number of troops to be deployed, but according to German news agency DPA, the reinforcements will come from the United Kingdom.

On Sunday, around thirty Serbian paramilitaries entered northern Kosovo. At least three of them and a Kosovar police officer were killed during the clashes. Pristina accuses Belgrade of training, arming and financing commandos to destabilize the country. Serbia, for its part, rejects these allegations. Since the war, which ended in 1999 with NATO bombings, relations between Pristina and Belgrade have gone from crisis to crisis.

Serbia refuses to recognize the independence declared in 2008 by its former province, whose population of 1.8 million people is of Albanian descent, including a Serb community of about 120,000 who live mainly in northern Kosovo. About 4,500 soldiers from 27 NATO member states and partners are currently in the country.

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