Summer is here this weekend: it confuses us, we complain, we argue, but is it really “harmful”?

Hang in there, we're changing the times! Time going forward or backward by one hour in spring and autumn was introduced in Belgium in 1977.

On the last weekend of March 2024, it will be the 93rd time difference for the Belgians. So let's add one more hour to account for summer. In other words, on the night from Saturday to Sunday, at 2 am, legal time in Belgium becomes 3 am, i.e. UTC+2 am UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) the internationally determined standard time. While 1pm is UTC, it's actually 2pm in winter and 3pm in summer.

Get ready: it's almost time… for a time change!

The time change is confusing every time but the watches deal with it well. © Pexels

Generation after generation of human beings subjected to this change is confused (even with the automation of most devices) this “minus an hour” and this “more than an hour” can say all this 92 times. ” we always confuse.

The information that really speaks to people is the answer to this important question: Are we sleeping an hour more or less, B… l! This time will be less than an hour. They get confused and grumble because we spend an hour on their pillow in the spring. At 6 months, they will also complain: this hour of sleep lost, as if gained, ok… but at the end of the day the loss of an hour of daylight. Curtain, fade black, hibernate.

Spring and the Time Change: What Timeline Are You?

We get confused, we grumble, we argue

Yeah, that too: 92 times we get confused, grumbled, and argue between those who favor winter time and those who defend summer time. Small fights for form, because, in fact, almost everyone agrees against the time change! 83% of Belgians no longer want it. Almost 5 million Europeans responded to a public consultation on the topic of the European Union in 2018. But it was Covid-19 that triggered the review of the system, which has become a biennial imbroglio.

We're going to argue again with the old microwave that doesn't automatically change the time, neither summer nor winter… ©Shutterstock

Especially since this poor clock tower doesn't just have results in debating the coffee machine or the old microwave, it will be tormented by the lack of functionality to change its buttons. Automatic time… it affects our circadian rhythm, more or less fixed in 24 hours. A biological clock prefers the regularity of human habits and the quality of hours of sunlight. It is this circadian system that regulates our nights, days, the inhibition or suppression of many hormones, which stabilize our sleep and therefore regulate our activity.

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A few days, a few weeks, or no sleep at all

By suddenly adding an hour, the time difference disrupts this beautiful mechanism (already undermined by about 10 minutes by our hectic and digital lives). So some people's sleep rhythm is affected more or less severely, while others feel (almost) no effect. It will take a few days to heal at first. The latter, the majority, think the former are exaggerating. Most sensitive: Children, young children (and therefore their parents), elderly, workers with irregular hours, livestock keepers, etc.

The time change is this weekend: But why is it being maintained?

Summer, the “worst” time?

This effect on the biological clock is particularly critical of summer. “It goes against natural rhythms“, trumpets ACHED (French association against double summer) and then light actually delays the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

This will increase the number and severity of heart problems for at least seven days after the time change, as will the frequency of work and traffic accidents (pedestrian-related accidents are estimated to be 80% higher). Condition is necessary because these studies are contradicted by others or considered unreliable by other experts.

All the while, it comes out clear and beautiful

Beyond these conflicts, the Earth revolves around the Sun, unchanged. Between April 1st and June 30th (June 21st is the month of the solstice and gains 14 minutes of monthly brightness) the brightness increases by several minutes each day to achieve 5 hours and 20 minutes of extra sunlight. Temperatures rise, social activities resume, dopamine (pleasure) and serotonin (happiness) are stimulated. And the time change is … integrated.

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