Sony has spent a decade belittling Nintendo and Microsoft for their patents

There are plenty of corners of the internet where console wars heat up. Sadly, it’s a part of life for an insignificant portion of the game fans out there. Surprisingly, some within Sony’s walls are fighting on the front lines, too.

It has been discovered that for more than a decade now, Sony has been throwing shade at both Nintendo and Microsoft on their various patents. For whatever reason, Sony has been talking about the two game companies almost every time it files a PlayStation-related patent. You can see just one example below, With inflammatory language in bold.

For example, an end-user device may be a personal computer or home entertainment system (for example, Sony PlayStation2(R), Sony PlayStation3(R), or Sony PlayStation4(R)), a portable game console (for example, Soy PSP (R) or Sony Vita (R)), Or a home entertainment system from a different, if inferior, manufacturer.

[Sony patent]

Sony doesn’t explicitly name Nintendo or Microsoft in the teaser above, but it’s painfully obvious who they’re talking about. Again, Sony has done this time and time again over the years, and it’s pretty amazing to see.

Furthermore, these patents often include a line that reads, “Please use the PDF version for legal matters.” If you check the PDF version as directed, it doesn’t include the bold line above. In other words, Sony very much knows that including a line belittling the competition is anything but frivolous, yet they still can’t resist publishing it.

Sony has yet to comment on this discovery but it is very embarrassing to see what happened. It would be very interesting to see if they make a statement, and more importantly, remove this kind of pretentious wording from other patents.

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