Simon Steele, UN climate analyst calls on COP countries to order: “I saw my country ravaged by hurricanes”

“A death sentence”, “unacceptable”: weak final agreement text presented at COP28, without explicit reference to exiting fossil fuels

Simon Steele was Grenada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Resilience for five years until his inauguration as “Mr. Climate” at the United Nations in October 2022. As Executive Secretary of the Framework Convention on Climate Change, he is not the Chair of Cop28. , but he is with the current Al Jaber on stage most of the time. In International Negotiations, Simon Steele describes his work as an arbitrator “unification of parties”, Knowing “Take into account the position of some rich countries”. He holds a Masters in Business Administration and spent several years in the tech world in the United Kingdom and Silicon Valley (Nokia, Zig, etc.). An engineer by training, he “He knows how to make things work and get things done. He promises more.

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Before being appointed to the UN, he participated in several climate summits, during which he did not hold back from calling on countries to do more. In 2018, he was among the few to pledge that China can no longer be treated like other developing countries and must do more on climate. In Dubai, he repeatedly criticized the representatives of various countries, particularly criticizing “A layer of their preferences full of postures.” Again on Monday, at the same time “He didn’t sleep much.”He called the states “L“Ineffective Tactical Barriers”. I urge negotiators to reject incrementalism (Changes in small steps, editor’s note). Every step back from a lofty ambition costs millions of lives.

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