Salma of Jordan: The Army Princess

The first was misinterpreted because King Abdullah's wife was not qualified for her views. A second intervention put things into context, with Rania from Jordan noting that supporting the Palestinian people should not be anti-Semitic.

Abdullah will celebrate 25 years of rule this coming January. The position of the King of Jordan, like that of his father King Hussein in the past, is currently very weak in the region. The Hashemite Kingdom has a population of about 10 million, including nearly 2 million Palestinian refugees and 2 million Syrian refugees living in camps.

2023 is the best year of celebration for the Jordanian royal family

Queen Rania is particularly sensitive to the situation in Gaza. He was born in 1971 in Kuwait, where his family settled in Dulkarem in the West Bank. A few days ago, in the company of Princess Gita, wife of King Abdullah's cousin, the Queen of Jordan welcomed young Palestinian cancer patients in Amman cared for by the King Hussein Cancer Center.

Later, the Queen, who removed her photo from social networks to show a more discreet and black background in her interventions, posted a photo of her youngest daughter Princess Salma participating in a military humanitarian intervention. At the age of 23, Princess Salma graduated from the Royal Military School in Sandhurst, England, like many members of the royal family. A second lieutenant, she was the first female jet pilot in her country's military. He also holds a bachelor's degree in archeology from the University of Southern California.

Queen Rania did not hide her pride that Princess Salma was on the fifth mission to airdrop medical equipment to the northern Gaza Strip. While King Abdullah increased diplomatic contacts in Jordan and Europe, Crown Prince Hussein was mobilized to coordinate ground humanitarian convoys.

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