Russian strike on downtown restaurant leaves 3 dead, 42 injured in Kramatorsk | War in Ukraine

UpdateAt least three people were killed and 42 wounded in a Russian rocket attack on a restaurant in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk, officials said.


Last Updated:
27-06-23, 22:15

AFP/Belga, Arnaud de Decker

“The bodies of three dead, including a minor born in 2008, have been removed from the rubble. Among the injured is a child born in 2022,” the Home Ministry said in a telegram.

A popular restaurant among journalists and military personnel

Ukraine’s emergency service reported on Telegram that 42 people were injured in the strike that destroyed the Ria Pizza restaurant, an establishment popular with journalists and the military. According to Ukrainian police, before the war Russia fired two S-300 surface-to-air rockets at the city of 150,000 people, the only major concentration in the east still under Ukrainian control. An AFP reporter at the scene of the strike saw ambulances, police, soldiers and the city’s mayor at Ria Pizza near the restaurant, in front of which a crowd of residents had gathered.


Ruslan, 32, a chef in a dust-covered uniform, pointed to the sky and said there were “a lot of people” in the restaurant during the strike, adding: “I was lucky”. Natalia, a woman standing outside, said it was her half-brother, Nikita, 23, who was in the pizza making area. “They couldn’t get it out (from the garbage), it was covered. Tiles fell on him,” she added through tears.

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Kramatorsk, located about thirty kilometers from the front, has been targeted by deadly bombardment several times since the start of the Russian invasion.



Gramadorsk © via REUTERS

Arnaud de Decker
© Arnaud de Decker


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