Russia wants Poland to return territories it “gained” after World War II | the world

Russia wants Poland to return the territories it “gained” after World War II. “Poland must be punished for betraying the historical memory of the country’s liberation,” declared Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the Russian parliament, and “asked him for an additional 750 billion dollars to compensate for the investments made in the country. The war.”

Relations between Poland and Russia have been extremely tense since the start of the war in Ukraine, and statements by the speaker of the Russian parliament worsen the situation. In a statement, the Duma speaker called for Poland to be punished for “betraying the historical memory” of the country’s liberation from Nazi Germany by the Soviet Union through “hostile actions” towards Moscow. According to Vyacheslav Volodin, Poland exists only “thanks to Russia”.

The head of parliament wants Poland to return the territories it “gained” after World War II. He wants to ban Polish trucks from crossing the Russian border and asks Poland to compensate Moscow financially for the “reconstruction of the country in Eastern Europe” after World War II – nearly 700 billion euros.

A threat to Europe

This is not the first time that the head of the Duma has made harsh statements regarding Poland and the West. Vyacheslav Volodin emphasized in particular that “if the West decides to send nuclear weapons to Ukraine, Europe will disappear in a nuclear catastrophe.” He was one of the first Russian figures to openly support “military action” in Ukraine. Earlier in the year, Vyacheslav Volodin proposed deporting Russians who had fled the country after the outbreak of war. “We have to deal with this nonsense sweeping our country,” he said at the time.

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