Rome in shock: corpse of teenage girl in supermarket shopping cart | Various facts

ItalyTerrible discovery. The body of a 17-year-old girl was found wrapped in garbage bags in a supermarket shopping cart next to a row of garbage containers on the outskirts of Rome, Italy, on Wednesday afternoon.

Rome is in shock. The 17-year-old, the prime suspect in the murder case, dragged Michele Caso’s body 350 meters through the streets of Primavalli, a popular district northwest of Rome.

His intention was to throw the body of a teenager around his age in the rubbish bin, but when he failed, he left the body in a supermarket trolley.

A passer-by noticed the situation and called the police. The body of a 17-year-old girl was found in black garbage bags. The teenager was apparently stabbed to death.

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A trail of blood on the sidewalk led to a 17-year-old boy who lives with his mother. The police raided their house. The man was arrested overnight from Wednesday to Thursday and interrogated at the police station.

Reports that the man was the victim’s boyfriend and that Michelle Gaso was pregnant were denied by police. A police spokesman said the two were not a couple.

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The exact reasons for the murder must be ascertained during the investigation. Police are particularly interested in knowing how the two men knew each other and whether other people may have been involved in Michelle Gaso’s death.

Meanwhile, the neighbors reacted with surprise. Her classmates from a nearby high school described her as a quiet and kind teenager. Residents find it hard to believe the news and are planning to leave the area.

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Michael Cascio.
Michael Cascio. © Privébeeld

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