Presidential Election 2022: Here are the latest polls on the results of the second round between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron.

Who will win in the second round French presidential election 2022 ? The question is currently on everyone’s lips. If we have to wait until Sunday to get a definitive answer, the latest opinion polls released on Friday, April 22 already provide a first-hand look at the possible outcome of this election. Emmanuel Macron Where Marine Le Pen ? Here are the latest poll results.

Elabe poll for BFMTV, L’Express and SFR: Macron advances, Le Pen retreats

Macron won by one point on purpose of voting Elabe Survey For BFMTV, L’Express and SFR. The French president thus received 55.5% of the vote, with 44.5% against the Marine Le Pen (-1 point, compared to the previous Elabe poll). “The end of the campaign and the debate between the two rounds seems to benefit Emmanuel Macron, who will benefit from better vote exchanges,” the poll estimates. With BFMTV . The margin of error is about 3 points.

Ifop-Fiducial review for Paris Match, LCI and Chat Radio: Macron backtracks

According to Ifop-Fiducial review for Paris Match, LCI and Sud Radio Released this Friday evening, Emmanuel Macron is slightly lower than the previous day’s results. He thus achieved 55% of the voting intentions (-0.5% compared to April 21), 45% against the Marine Le Pen (+ 0.5%).

The day after the first round, according to a survey by the same polling company, the two rivals were only 5 points apart (52.5% for Macron and 47.5% for Le Pen).

Ipsos-Sopra Steria survey for Le Parisien and Franceinfo: Elise’s current tenant distant from National Rally candidate

Emmanuel Macron widens gap with Marine Le Pen Ipsos-Sopra Steria study For Le Parisien and Franceinfo, released this Thursday evening. The head of state gets 57.5% of the vote, with 42.5% against Jean-Marie Le Pen’s daughter (a margin of plus or minus 3.3 points). 15 points currently separate the president from his opponent. So he was able to beat the RN candidate because in the evening of the 1st round the gap was only 8 points according to the same poll.

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OpinionWay-Kéa Partners Survey for Les Echos: French President Wins One Point

In the poll OpinionWay-Kéa Partners For Echoes Released this Friday, Emmanuel Macron maintains a comfortable presence against Marine Le Pen. Elise’s current tenant benefits from a 57% turnout (+1 point compared to the results of the previous poll), with 43% against Marine Le Pen. Note that the uncertainty margin is 2.3 points. As the poll suggests, this is the first time since the end of March that the outgoing president has achieved such a high turnout.

Yet according to the same poll, the turnout in this second round will be 72%, while the share of blank and invalid votes will be 13%.

Odoxa-Mascaret poll for L’Obs: Macron exists, but gap closes

A Odoxa-Mascaret poll for L’Obs Shows the short gap between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. The poll, released this Thursday evening, puts the current French president at the top of the voting motives (53%). Marine Le Pen received 47% of the vote (error difference 2.5 points). “The second round is finally coming out very tight,” the polling company concludes. The head of Odoxa stressed how alarming the situation is. “This score does not match the usual score of a social-democratic president against an opponent from the right, but is like the classic score between two regular rivals in the second round, such as Holland-Sarkozy and Sarkozy-Royal.”, Notes Gaël Sliman, to Obs .

Find out all the results of the second round before 8pm this Sunday on

DH keeps you up to date with the results and opinion polls of the presidential election. In fact, Belgian newspapers may publish trends ahead of the French media, which cannot give any figures before 8pm. That is why all our journalists will have access to quality information from our offices in Brussels, Belgium, during the polls on Sunday, April 24, during the entire election. How to get all the news related to 2022 Presidential Election, latest polls and results directly in DH?

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On April 24, DH, as a Belgian newspaper, will have direct access to all the results and polls of the second round. To get numbers quickly, we advise you to follow:

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