Pictures of Katy Perry at the Met Gala have gone viral as the singer asserts that artificial intelligence is fake

Katy Perry pulled off some unreal looks at last Met Galas but nothing compares to this year: The photos that have surfaced of Perry on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art aren’t actually real.

The superstar singer went viral Monday night during Met Gala coverage after photos went viral online that seemingly showed Perry in a puffy pink dress. The dress code, “The Garden of Time,” is inspired by the 1962 short story of the same name by J. G. Ballard and blends seamlessly with the Metropolitan Institute of Costume Arts’ exhibition, Sleeping Beauty: Fashion Remade.

However, within a few hours, Perry took to Instagram to confirm that she was not present and blame AI for the disaster.

“I couldn’t make it to the Met, I had to work,” Perry shared to her 207 million Instagram followers alongside a set of photos that included two fake photos on the Met Gala red carpet. A third photo in the series showed a text message from the singer’s mother, Mary Berry, in which she wrote: “What a wonderful dress, you look like Rose Parade, you are your own float.” Her famous daughter replied: “Mom, the artificial intelligence has got hold of you too, be careful.”

Strange times. About this work, the last slide in Perry’s carousel appears to show Perry in what looks like a studio. the American Idol The veteran previously announced that she had new music in the works, hence her exit from the long-running ABC competition series.

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It’s a shame Perry couldn’t be in New York tonight, because she always delivers memorable sets. See some of her more flamboyant looks below. Read more from Hollywood Reporter Cover the Met Gala here, and see the star-studded arrivals here, the ones we can confirm are actually legit.

Katy Perry at the 2019 Met Gala

Katy Perry in 2019 for the movie “Camp: Notes on Fashion”

Nelson Barnard/Getty Images

Katy Perry at the 2018 Met Gala

Katy Perry in 2018 for “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion & The Catholic Imagination”

Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

Katy Perry at the 2017 Met Gala

Katy Perry in 2017 celebrates “Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garcons: Art Of The In-Between”

(Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images)

Katy Perry at the 2016 Met Gala

Katy Perry in 2016 for “Manus x Machina: Fashion In An Age of Technology”

Mike Coppola/Getty Images

Katy Perry at the 2013 Met Gala

Katy Perry in 2013 for “Punk: Chaos to Couture”

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

Katy Perry at the 2015 Met Gala

Katy Perry in 2015 for “China: Through the Looking Glass”

Demetrius Kambouris

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