Omigron variant: Symptoms involving PCR testing

On Monday, January 10, almost everything changes based on the rules of testing, tracking and isolation.

Study time: 1 minute

IIndividuals who have been vaccinated against the corona virus will no longer have mandatory isolation after high-risk contact with a positive test person. PCR tests for asymptomatic high-risk contact will be dropped from next Monday, whether the person is vaccinated or not. The duration of isolation for positive individuals is also reviewed. Health ministers at various levels of power decided during the CIM (Interministerial Conference) public health conference on Tuesday.

On the other hand, PCR testing is necessary especially when symptoms of govt and omigran appear: fatigue, sore throat and headache, runny nose, cough, muscle stiffness. In the United States, rare symptoms highlighted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are found in patients who develop an acute form of the disease, representing several Anglo-Saxon media: pale, gray or blue on the skin, lips or nails. , Chest pain, persistent cough, confusion and extreme fatigue.

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