“My sister lost everything”

They are suspected of deliberately setting fire to a house on the rue des Bleuets in Maubeuge. Residents of the shelter, including a pregnant woman, lost a good portion of their personal effects during the disaster, it noted. Voice of the North.

The case is doubly dramatic. First because, symbolically, it takes place on the night of December 24. But the main reason is that among the cargo of goods consumed by the flames on Saturday, a new stroller worth 800 euros, maternity clothes and other items should come into the world in the near future. weeks. For Christmas magic, we’ll be back…

The facts occurred around 11pm on the rue des Bleuets in Maubeuge. Two residents, a mother and her pregnant daughter, were missing on New Year’s Eve. A godsend for two teenagers aged 14 and 15. They did not go through the chimney to enter the interior of the premises, but wanted to force the front door. The young thieves got their hands on a series of items. “TVs, computers, tablets, leather goods and even money,” says the owner’s son, Eric Membrey. Before leaving the scene, the two baddies set themselves on fire.

Emotion in social networks

Unfortunately, a police patrol was in the area for an assault case. It didn’t take long for the police to track down the thieves and arrest them. They spent the weekend in custody. The Maubeuge family saw a good portion of their home destroyed when the fire was quickly extinguished by firefighters. They are forced to live with relatives until a solution is found for resettlement.

The sad story caused great emotion in the Val de Chambray. First in the American Rouseys, where Eric Membre works as an educator, and in other clubs in the region, then in social networks. “We want to thank everyone, individuals and clubs and associations,” he added. My sister has lost everything, she no longer has any accessories for the baby and in an emergency, we don’t know what to do. Online kit is also open. In the last few hours, €600 has already been collected. A great show of unity trying to turn a bad picture into a beautiful Christmas story.

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