Le Pen is close with Macron இத Here are the latest polls two days before the election

Outgoing head of state Elabe aims to get 26% of the vote for OpinionWay and Ifop Fiducial, 26.5% for the Ipsos Sopra Steria and 27% for the Harris Interactive study.

Ms. Le Pen gets 22% from OpinionWay, 23% from Ipsos, 24% from Ifop and Harris Interactive and 25% from Elabe or one point from the head of state.

Given the fringe of error, the order of Sunday’s attendance seems particularly uncertain, especially as the curve of Emmanuel Macron’s voting intentions has continued to fall in recent days, unlike Ms Le Pen’s.

In 2017, Emmanuel Macron received 24.01% of the vote against his far-right rival 21.30%.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, given 16.5% (Ipsos), 17% (OpinionWay, Ifop), 17.5% (Elabe) or 18% (Harris Interactive), continued to improve but could not make it to the second round.

In the second round, when Emmanuel Macron confronts Marine Le Pen, all the studies still give the head of state a small advantage, but continue to shrink and are on the verge of error.

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OpinionWay only gives a comfortable lead to the outgoing president (46% against 54%), while Ipsos aims to give him 53% of the vote (47% against), Ifop 52% ​​(48% against), Harris Interactive 51, 5% (48.5%). Against) and Elabe 51% (49% against).

The campaign ended at midnight today on the mainland of France. Candidates’ public meetings, distribution of leaflets and digital campaigning will be banned. No interview, poll or result evaluation will be published before the results are released Sunday night at 8:00 p.m.

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