Laker Reveals Pictures From The New ‘Silent Hill’ Game?

The treatment fell off with a blow from Alan Wake Related information as part of the game’s twelfth anniversary. Along with the news Alan Wake 2And Alan Wake Remastered It will be coming to the Nintendo Switch. In addition to those who have been waiting for it Alan Wake TV seriesHowever, Remedy has finally succeeded in striking a deal to fruition the series.

For starters, Epic Games Publishing and Remedy will be released Alan Wake Remastered Coming to the Switch via the Nintendo eShop this fall. The Switch version will be digital only, and runs natively on the device. More information about the port will be released in the coming months.

As for the Alan Wake TV series, Remedy has teamed up with AMC to finally bring the series to life. According to Remedy’s Director of Communications, Thomas Puha, Air conditioning still has a “long way to go” before production begins, but at least it’s a good starting point.

Finally, Remedy took the chance Alan WakeThe 12th anniversary of dropping a new video, as well as a new art concept in the future Alan Wake 2! “Everything with right Now I wake up 2 Development is going really well. “We are deep into production, we have a lot of material, and a great deal of the game can be played,” said Sam Lake of Remedy.

However, there are some obstacles for those who hope to see more of the game Later this summer. “But we’ve been talking for the past two months and have come to a decision here at Remedy, along with our great publisher Epic Games, that we won’t be showing anything big this summer.”

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“Creating a proper polished demo or trailer takes a lot of effort, and it can take several months of work that may undo development,” Lake continues. “We feel we have continued momentum, and we want to make sure we are making the best and first survival horror game for Remedy. We don’t want to take the team away from that focus, so we will continue to move forward and provide a great game experience, unfortunately you will have to wait a little longer. For a demo and trailer.

Meanwhile, Remedy has revealed the art of the aforementioned concept, which you can see below. Alan Wake 2 In development for 2023.

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