Kwilu: Not selected in Pulungu, Noel Nkiyama Verrasan vents his anger, saying he is the victim of a frame-up.

Noel Nkiyama Maganda, aka Verrasan, who was the national deputy candidate in Pulungu region in Kwilu province, was not elected. In a video that has gone viral on social media, the candidate vents his anger at what he describes as a “setup” after the provisional results were released.

The cultural operator says he is very disappointed by the provisional results announced by CENI, which he says was not cited in electoral fraud. For Verason, these results represent a test of many of his constituents and prevent him from fighting to improve culture and improve people's living conditions.

“My name was not mentioned in the fraudsters, not even an echo. But today at 1 am I was very touched. Those who voted for me are disappointed, they will cry, you have touched them deeply in their hearts. Because I once had a mission in Parliament to protect culture, especially my work in music. Artists dying poor who should be voted for their protection were never initiated. Socially, the rate of poverty is high among young people, especially in my home in Pulungu,” Verason declares.

He continues: “You agreed to sacrifice my name for someone else, no problem my brother. But know this, God will meet you. I have no power, only prayer. I don't know, Verrazon, what exactly did I do? There is no true love, it is not mutual. I show good faith and love, but in return, I get only disappointments,” he adds.

The artist believes that these results were manipulated to his disadvantage around one o'clock in the morning. “I know, at one o'clock in the morning everything was changed, because I knew everything, until the last minute, there was bad politics to remove Verrazan. I didn't hurt anyone, I didn't insult anyone, I am my own son, it doesn't matter. A good listener aligns! » he concludes.

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Ngiama Makanda Werrason thanked his constituents for their trust without announcing a challenge procedure to restore his rights. In Bulungu, Désiré Casimir Eberande Kolongele, Marie-Ange Lukiana, Nasa Eyumu, Donatien Bitini and Cléophas Munganga were provisionally elected.

Jonathan Mesa, in Bandundu

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