Kremlin Leaks: Big Budgets, Surveillance, Censorship… The Bottom Line of Russian Propaganda

Delphi It was possible to consult a large number of documents from the Russian presidency precisely from the political department of Sergei Krienko, one of Vladimir Putin's main advisers in charge of the occupied territories. The latest documents are from December 2023 and contain elements of the budget of the Russian Federation. The Kremlin is thus allocating 1.1 billion euros to its campaign in 2024, which includes three aspects: presidential elections, information warfare and propaganda in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

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We learn that the disinformation campaign is outsourced to a wide range of companies. In total, 15 companies with 4,400 employees were allegedly paid by the Kremlin to carry out the campaign. Budget amount: 600 million euros. Among these companies is the Internet Development Institute (IRI), which develops television series, movies, and phone game applications. According to the leaked documents, the IRI wants to “strengthen civic identity and spiritual and moral values” as well as “support and spread state content”. The company's products should highlight “protection of national interests and cultural and social values”, “evolution of Russia's standard of living”, “heroes of the moment and big names of the country” or more in sync with the new. Territories.

TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, a popular campaigner, will have received 15 million euros and could receive another 3 billion rubles (or 30 million euros) in 2024, documents in the Russian public budget testify.

The presidential election is under control

The March 17 presidential election is particularly in the crosshairs of Putin, who fears he may not be re-elected. Thus 631 million euros ““Information Warfare”. In order to get the maximum number of votes for the current Russian leader. Specifically, it dictates clandestine sociological studies to understand the concept of Russian society. It is also planned to monitor employees of the Ministry of Education, at the behest of Putin.

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“All this is part of a broader trend of Russia becoming an authoritarian society. It is no longer a false autocratic democracy.” Martin Krak, deputy director of the Center for East European Studies in Stockholm, explains From the media V squared A participant in the investigation.

As for the war in Ukraine, the Kremlin has taken drastic measures to control information in the occupied territories of Ukraine (Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia): digital censorship. An “automated cyber security system”, It is directed by Russian authorities to block or slow down content deemed objectionable, supported by a budget of 90 million euros.

According to David Gallen, Professor of History of Science Poe, “This #KremlinLeaks to express The great weakness of the Putin regime, which invests heavily in Soviet-style propaganda in Russia as in the occupied territories, is implicit in the lack of assurance of solid and sincere popular support.”

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