Jordan Bartella announces an “agreement” between RN and Eric Ciotti with the “support” of “several dozen” LR representatives.

“Youth annoys the FN”: thousands of people protest against the RN again in Rennes, Orléans and other cities

Several thousand people demonstrated on Tuesday evening, particularly in Rennes and Orléans, to express their rejection of the National Rally (RN) and the refusal of the far-right to assume the leadership of the government if they win the legislative elections.

In Rennes, demonstrators – 6,000 according to the unions, 3,000 according to the province – marched for the second time in two days, this time at the invitation of the Inter-Union Association. “Every time we attack the public service, every time we steal two years of our lives over pensions, every time we attack the unemployed, we are obviously promoting radicalism.”Fabrice Le Restif, general secretary of the FO union in Ille-et-Villaine, spoke to Agence France-Presse.

Far-right parties “Our historical enemies. In the 1940s, they were on the side of the collaborators and the banned unions, and today they find themselves in this dangerous, miserable land, and they live only from it. We must not let them flourish.”, he said. Many young people marched with experienced activists from various trade unions (CGT, FO, CFDT, Solidaires, Sud, FSU, etc.), many of them students and even high school students.

But the demonstration was peaceful “Around thirty far-left members used the rally to vandalize ATMs and signs”, pointed to the province where three people were arrested. In Orléans, thousands of demonstrators responded to the call of several left-wing parties, with the flags of France Insoumise, the National Union of Students of France (UNEF) or Palestine.

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Other demonstrations are also taking place this evening, including the third in a row at the Place de la République in Paris from 8pm. Called “Youth Instigates National Front”, it is organized once again at the invitation of many left organizations. Including student unionUnion High School (USL) or UNEF. Deputy “rebellion” Louis Boyard is notable.

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