Jony Ive’s LoveFrom work on this limited edition $60,000 turntable

LoveFrom, formed by former Apple design chief Jony Ive, has collaborated with British audio brand Linn on the 50th anniversary edition of the Sondek LP12 turntable. Only 250 models Lynn Sondeck LP12-50 It will be produced and delivered between August 2023 and March 2024, with the limited edition turntable available to pre-order now for $60,000 (£50,000).

according to blog post From Linn CEO Gilad Tiefenbrun, the collaboration dates back to early 2022 when Tiefenbrun was suddenly offered a meeting with Ive via LinkedIn. Ultimately, the two companies decided to collaborate on the next turntable, which fast company calls Ive “first hardware project after Apple.”

Linn focused on the acoustic elements of the Sondek LP12-50 such as the so-called “Bedrok” base made of dense wood designed to reduce vibrations. Meanwhile, LoveFrom has put more emphasis on its industrial design. “We’ve seen a number of areas where small improvements and nice developments can happen in the existing design,” says Ive fast company. Previously square components have been given smoother edges, a plastic rocker power button has been swapped for an aluminum circle, and new hinges have been developed for the machine’s dust cover that can hold it open at any angle.

Interestingly, fast company Reports indicate that LoveFrom’s work on Linn’s Sondek LP12-50 was pro bono, and there is “no contract or other financial arrangement” between the two companies. “A large percentage of our work we do just for the love of doing it,” Ive said, noting that the design firm makes money from its long-term contracts with companies like Airbnb and Ferrari.

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