Jemmure attacks a woman after being shouted at and egged on in Ajaccio

Campaigning in Ajaccio for European elections, leader of far-right Reconcut! Eric Gemmour was targeted by egg-throwing while walking through the market on Saturday and was prosecuted for “encountering violence”.

At the market, about fifteen people were waiting for the former presidential candidate.Fascist“shouted at him”Get out of here!“, destroyed“, according to the AFP reporter photographer. “There was water and eggs thrown and a woman tried to push him away.” A police source told AFP “The incident was very brief.”

In Kors-Madin’s video, Mr. Gemmour appeared to attack this woman. “It comes behind his back, I don’t know who it is, pulls an egg, a fist, a knife, pure reflex of self-defense, at no point did he intend to hit this woman. The attacker was Eric Gemmer.His entourage told AFP.

Ajaccio prosecutor Nicolas Septe announced an investigation to AFP.“Violence in armed gatherings”. Opened: “Investigations were handed over to the DIPN (Intermediate Directorate of the National Police), which was to determine the identity of the individuals who attacked Mr. Gemmer.“, he clarified.

However, no complaint has yet been filed against Eric Gemmoor for allegedly beating the woman. “This is the true face of the extreme left, the petty violent groups, who really want us dead.”The leader of the far-right party responded on his X account (formerly Twitter).

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Mr. Jemmour, who has been convicted several times for inciting racism, continued his stroll, the same fifteen always kept at a distance by the CRS curve. Sometimes he was warmly welcomed at some stalls and encouraged to look elsewhere. Restoration List! In the European elections, conducted by Marion Maréchal, 5 to 6% were credited with voting intentions.

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