Jean Costex resigns, Elizabeth Bourne becomes prime minister (video)

The favorite to succeed Jean Costex is actually Elizabeth Bourne, Minister of Labor, who will be appointed Prime Minister.

The president has appointed Ms. Elizabeth Bourne as prime minister and instructed her to form a government, the president’s office said in a statement. “This is the choice of a woman who is determined, active and accomplished in the service of France,” Elise explained.

The second woman to join Matignon

At age 61, she was the second woman to enter the Matiknon after Edith Cresson, who had previously been Minister of Labor, holding the post for eleven months from May 1991 to April 1992, the second seven – year term of Franுவாois Mitterrand. The polytechnic, Elizabeth Bourne, graduated from transportation in 2017 and later through environmental change, is one of the left-wing supporters of the government and is known for her toughness and efficiency. He was head of the Poitou-Charentes region from 2013 to 2014, and then S தலைமைgolène Royal’s chief of staff at the Ministry of the Environment from 2014 to 2015, before taking over the leadership of the RATP until entering government in 2017.

His name has been mentioned ever since Emmanuel Macron was re-elected on April 24. The president said he wanted a prime minister with a “social, environmental and productive” profile. “She has a culture of state, territory and organization” and has demonstrated “her ability to make reforms”, Elysee underlined. “Environmental change is at the heart of her commitment” and she is “a left-wing woman with a social commitment, especially for young people, to the agreement on learning and youth involvement”.

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In addition, he said Elizabeth Bourne “has been with the President from the beginning and in the hearts of the majority from the very beginning” by joining the LREM in 2017. Added.The It was pointed out in the President’s entourage that the formation of the government should take place in the coming days.

Jean Castex will welcome Elizabeth Bourne at 6:30 pm in Matignon and then, after a private discussion, hand her over to the yard, as usual, before leaving the premises as a herd, according to sources within the executive. .

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