In the mind of Vladimir Putin

To say that Giuliano da Empoli knows his stuff is an understatement when it comes to politics. At 49 years old, this Franco-Italian has an impressive CV: political advisor to Matteo Renzi, professor of comparative politics at Science-Po Paris, journalist, author of many articles on politics (including a book dedicated to Obama), we pass.

But if we’ve been talking a lot about Giuliano da Empoli for a year, it’s thanks to his first novel, “The Magus of the Kremlin”, which he will present in Brussels on March 24. The novel missed out on the Prix de la Concorde by a hair, but won the Grand Prix du Roman from the Académie Française.


An equally valuable consolation prize… and, the book is a huge seller (we’re talking half a million copies in French alone!) and will soon be adapted for cinema.

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See also  Favorites in Italian elections, "Putin's puppets"? According to Berlusconi, the Russian leader was "pushed" to invade Ukraine.


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