“I saw her dying”, she may have been trapped in an elevator with a large water leak and drowned (video)

For this 22-year-old girl, Friday morning was a matter of going to work. As usual, she planned to take her car to reach the second floor in the elevator of this building in Sarcelles in Val d’Oise, France. As La Voix to Nord explains, the elevator stopped and was blocked between two foundations.

The student tried to press the alarm button, but nothing happened. She was trapped as a large water leak occupied the foundation of the building. “Just before -2, the elevator got stuck. The water started to rise immediately,” he told the newspaper. Parisian. “I pressed the buttons but the elevator would not go up. I pressed the alarm but no one was available. I tried to go up again but the elevator did not move. The doors did not open. The water came from below but from above, on both sides, it sounded like a waterfall … I saw it dead ”.

Water up to your waist

The teenager, who was finally rescued by firefighters, found himself dying. When paramedics rescued her, she was in the water up to her waist. “That person is very lucky,” rated firefighters from Val-d’Oise to Parisian. According to experts, the second basement had 1.70 m of water.

Today the student was not physically abused but is in a state of shock. One of his brothers, who was called for help by his sister, became angry: “We are in France in 2022. How can you accept the risk of sinking in the elevator in the new building by going to your garage? This is unacceptable,” he asks with a video on Instagram, referring to the agony of these moments.

Since then, 120 apartments in the 11-storey building have not received water. The building starts in the winter of 2021.

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