German police choked by Israel-Hamas war: “They face an unprecedented challenge in post-war history”

Rainer Wendt, head of the German police union, explains to our colleagues at Bild. “The police face an unprecedented challenge in post-war history”, he begins. “Police are working round-the-clock in full force and are always keeping the situation under control. But until when?”He questions.

This is how a sector of leftist organizations is importing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into our streets.

The danger of collapse is very real among our neighbors and the police are noticing a loss of control of the situation. “Radical Islamists are challenging authority in our streets., the trade unionist explains. Above all, he feels abandoned by politicians. “If no action is taken, Sharia law will replace the Constitution. It is time to return to the core values ​​of our societies. Otherwise, the nation will collapse and the rule of the strong will prevail as a result of vested interests. This should never happen because such internal unrest will endanger the life of our country.

For him, the danger is real. But it is very easy for politicians to play deaf. “We always warn the politicians. Many politicians worry about a small problem somewhere in the world, but they don’t look at their own people. This has to change.”

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