French presidential election: Who will win the second round? Here’s what the latest polls say

Will Emmanuel Macron return to the Elysee for another five years after defeating National Rally (RN) candidate Marine Le Pen a second time? Answer this Sunday at 8:00 pm, the portrait of the winner of this second round of the French presidential election will be shown on all television screens.

In 2017, Emmanuel Macron received 66.10% of the vote, largely surpassing Marine Le Pen. At the time, he benefited from the Republican constitution to block the right-wing path, but also benefited from the effective defeat of his rival during the great debate between the two rounds. This year, if the Republican Front is a driving force – most of the candidates who lost in the first round are calling for Macron to vote – this roadblock shows signs of evaporating, and especially the number of disappointed voters. La France’s Inzumais de Jean-Luc Mன்சlenchon – may decide not to vote. Five years ago, the turnout in the second round was 25.44%.

As for Marine Le Pen, he far softened his image as he was overwhelmed by the far right with Eric Jemmore (7% of the vote in the first round), and he did not face the sinking of 2017 head-on. To meet on television with the outgoing president. In the first round, more than 30% of the French people voted for the far-right candidate – including the results of Marine Le Pen (23.5%) and Eric Gemmour (7.07%) and Nicolas Dupont-Aiken (2.1). %) – Votes that should logically go to the candidate of the National Rally.

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This Sunday evening, even though Emmanuel Macron is the favorite, the score of the two contenders for the presidency should be tighter than it was five years ago. “Nothing played“Supporters of the outgoing president have also called for a boycott of the last days of the campaign.

Nevertheless, the candidate running in the presidential election in March is given the title of the last poll, which was released in the range of 55.5 to 57.5% of the vote. If he does not lie to them, he will return to Elysee for a five-year term, after his first term marked by the social crisis of the yellow dress, the pension reform, the health crisis and the protests over it. “Whatever it takes”, As well as the war in Ukraine. A condemnation to please the French in Belgium in any case. In the first round, Emmanuel voted en masse for Macron, while Jean-Luc Mன்சlenchon and Yannick Jadot rejected Marine Le Pen from the podium. In 2017, these voters cast more than 88.5% of the vote in the second round for the outgoing president.

As of April 10, they will again have 12 polling stations across the country (Antwerp, Arlon, Charleroi, Ghent, Liège, Mons, Mouscron, Namur, Tournai, Waterloo and two in Brussels).


Emmanuel Macron, who took the match between the two rounds, said on Friday that his opponent had progressed “wearing a mask” while at the same time “having the fundamentals of the far right”.

“Millions of our comrades leaned on his party and his plan because he gave the impression that he was responding to the problem of purchasing power. But his answers were not possible. An ambiguity has been created, but I think. The candidate is right,” said France Inter.

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“Mrs. Le Pen is the heir of a father, a party and an ideology, which is based on anti-Semitism,” he added.

Mr. Macron is holding a final meeting in Figk, in the rural parking lot that voted for him the most five years ago.

At the end of a fierce campaign, both rivals are fearful of mobilizing voters this weekend. The spring break will begin, especially for the Paris region, as three school zones are on holiday.

The challenge of this last moment of struggle is to mobilize non-voters, to convince decision-makers, and to seduce voters into believing the leader of Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the largest stagnant vote at the end of the first round (almost 22%).

At midnight, they will no longer be able to speak or act: public meetings, distribution of leaflets and digital campaigning of candidates will be banned. No poll will be released before the first estimates, which will be released Sunday night at 8:00 p.m.

Ballot papers were brought to Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon and French Polynesia until Saturday, and the campaign ended at midnight on Thursday, local time.

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