French presidential election: “This is the most tragic campaign ever seen”

Two weeks before the first round, is Macron confident of his victory? As for the French journalist, there is no doubt about it. “Never say bent. The second round may come as a surprise because the leftists will do everything to select Marine Le Pen, but I think it’s been dead for a while. This was already the case before the Ukrainian tragedy. Now it’s even more so. ”

Should the president campaign because he is in a good position to win himself over? He didn’t do much. He did everything to appear at the last moment and the Ukrainian crisis did not allow him to enter the arena. This is a very painful campaign. Important issues were not raised. The economic situation is not bad and foreign trade is in short supply. Structurally, France is in danger and the president must act. “Franz-Olivier Giesbert continues.

Is Nokia the new Macron-Le Pen fight?

If there is no doubt that the outgoing president will be in the second round, who will be his rival? Today, the re-release of the 2017 fight against Marine Le Pen seems to be the most credible lead. But as for Dorian De Meeûs, we must not forget the candidate of the French Insoumise. “Things can move. Jean-Luc Mélenchon is rising in the polls, and Le Pen is in danger, and this could have an impact on Eric Jemmoor and his popularity.

For Giesbert, on the other hand, Mélenchon’s surprise should not take place. “Journalists in France are mostly melancholic, and for their part it’s only a dream. Marine Le Pen will be there, she’s five points apart, it’s huge. Despite the atrocities I wrote, she knows how to run the campaign better. Jean-Luc Mélenchon is on the left, so Lu A useful vote is balanced with a useful vote for Penn, who will have left-wing votes because those opposed to the Macronists will vote useful. There will always be this classic event at the end of the campaign.

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Who are the socialist voters? Will they turn to Macron or Mellonson? According to Franz-Olivier Giesbert, the outgoing president will appeal to Social Democrats. “Francois Hollande’s Social Democrat left will go to Emmanuel Macron, who succeeded in sweeping the right, and he will cut off the left. Spanner Anne Hidalgo runs around two points, with no chances on the left.

Did Marine Le Pen learn from her mistakes when she was abused during a second round of debate five years ago? “Yes, she’s changed her way of speaking and attacking. She seems to be moderate against Eric Zemor. She’s campaigning very effectively.” The editor-in-chief of La Libre Belgique argues. Comments by Franz-Olivier Giesbert. “He’s made a lot of progress. The debate against Emmanuel Macron was not made in 2017. It’s nonsense. Here, he’s better prepared. He sent important signals, especially about retiring.“.

“One of the Victims of the Battle of Jemmore”

What about Eric Jemmore in the free fall of the poll? “He was one of the ‘victims’ of the war in Ukraine. However, he said that France needed Putin. According to Eric Zemor, Marine Le Pen was” very good at this, he did not. The result became a problem for him.It was a game of control for Russia.The far right.It was equal in the beginning but today Marine Le Pen won the game, seeing what was happening in Ukraine, like all Europeans the French are afraid, immigration is no longer a lesson, it has moved to seventh place. Security and security.After the war, there will be economic consequences in Europe“, According to a French journalist.

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Valerie Pécresse, candidate LR, was he disappointed? Was this a bad profile or did he make a strategic mistake in his plan? For Franz-Olivier Giesbert, the problem is elsewhere. “It’s a good profile but not for this campaign. She was so bad in the big crowd, she did not know how to do it. She thought it was going to revive her, it weighed on her. She had a great discussion and that is why she won the primary exam. “There is no debate for Macron, other than the debate on TF1 against Eric Gemmer, because France is in danger and she is paying for it.”

At the time of sending a bad note on this campaign, Maxime Binet’s guest is dealing with the overall press as well. “He puts forward Jean-Luc Mélenchon as the left-wing candidate, while he is on the left.”

Before congratulating the President for managing the conflict. “He did well in the Ukrainian crisis, and although I am not known to be a macronist I give him 20/20 in this crisis. I am already concerned about the post-election period and the lack of fundamental reforms, including the needs of France.”

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