Former US President Jimmy Carter reportedly asked Joe Biden to deliver his eulogy

For weeks, former US President Jimmy Carter, 98, has been receiving “palliative care” at home.

ATAfter a series of short hospital stays, the former US president recently decided to spend the rest of his time at home with his family and receive palliative care instead of further medical intervention.

Jimmy Carter is the oldest surviving US president. According to several American media, the 39th President of the United States will have asked Joe Biden to deliver his eulogy. The current president spoke at a Democratic fundraiser in California. “I spent time with Jimmy Carter and it finally caught up to him. But they (doctors) found a way to keep him alive longer than expected,” he added.

The architect of the Camp David accords that led to the signing of the Israeli-Egyptian peace accords in March 1979, he was heavily criticized by the Democratic Party in his home country when he took American hostages in Iran in 1979-80. After leaving the White House, he founded the Carter Center in 1982 to promote development, health and conflict resolution around the world.

In 2002, he was awarded the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize, particularly “for his decades of tireless efforts to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts”.

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