Expert reports confirm the sole involvement of his dog Curtis

It’s been three years to the day since Elisa Pilarski, a 29-year-old 6-month-pregnant young woman, died brutally in the forest of Retz in Saint-Pierre-Aigle, Aisne. It’s November 16, 2019. As of right now, no trial is scheduled, and for good reason, the trial isn’t over yet. According to Courier Pickard InformationThe results of the new expertise were included in the file, but the investigation was put on hold for a few months.


Christophe Ellul, the owner of the dog Curtis and the victim’s companion, who was charged with manslaughter on March 4, 2021, is clearly in the eyes of justice as the main person responsible for the tragedy. Although he denies it, it is certain that his mastiff was obtained illegally in the Netherlands, that it was an American pit bull terrier, a dog forbidden to import and breed in France, and that he trained it to bite, which is strictly prohibited. , especially with such type of dogs. In short: He is suspected of having taken a dangerous dog and made it into a very strong animal. And exposed his spouse to the danger represented by the beast.

Christophe Ellul maintains from the beginning of the proceedings that his dog could not have done this, and he directs his suspicions towards the hounds not far from the scene of the tragedy. But according to our French colleagues, the last counter-expertise requested by his lawyer, Me Alexandre Novian, only confirmed the first one. They blame the single hound.

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