Ex-Wagner players make shocking confession: ‘She was 5-6 years old, I shot her in the head’ | War in Ukraine

Two former mercenaries from the infamous Wagner group have admitted to committing particularly heinous war crimes in Ukraine in an interview with Russian human rights organization Gulagu.net. “I shot a 5-year-old girl in the head,” one said. All this at the behest of Yevkhuni Prigozhin, head of the organization.


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Het Laatste Nieuws, Gulagu.net, Ukrainska Pravda

Azamat Uldarov and Alexei Savichev were released from prison by Wagner’s boss, Evgeny Prigozhin, to join the Russian Front in Ukraine. After months of fighting, they are pardoned for their services and live freely and peacefully.

In an interview with Vladimir Osechkin, founder of Gulagu.net, both admitted to committing several war crimes in Ukraine. They reveal shocking details of the killing of more than 20 Ukrainian children and teenagers and the extermination of 60 prisoners gathered in a pit. All this at the behest of Yevgeny Prigozhin.

“I shot him in the head”

Azamat Uldarov explains that Wagner’s leader asked his men to “completely clean out” the towns of Pakmud and Soledar in eastern Ukraine. All civilians – including women, children and the elderly – must be exterminated.

The latter confessed to killing a five-year-old girl. “She was screaming, she must have been 5-6 years old. I shot him in the head”.

“Destroy All”

Another cape of horror: Mercenaries were forced to exterminate 400 Ukrainian civilians last month hiding in a basement. About 40 of them are children. The Russian says he had “no choice”. “I have no right to let anyone escape. person We have received an order to disband everyone,” he adds. “We killed everyone: women, men, old people and children.”

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“We slit their throats and film the process.”

Azamat Uldarov also explained that Wagner members were regularly trained to kill Ukrainian soldiers. “Mostly with a knife. We cut their throats and film the process. When Prigozhin told us to use a tactic, we took it and killed one. This is his method. He is a terrible man.

For his part, Alexei Savichev admitted to shooting “more than 20” Ukrainian youths between the ages of 15 and 17.

Finally, Savichev, along with other mercenaries, tells them how to throw grenades into a pit containing about sixty prisoners.

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