“Everyone started screaming”: Shanghai, cries of frustration of controlled residents

For eleven days, 25 million people have been locked up in their homes in Shanghai, following a further escalation of Govt-19 infections. Rarely in a country where freedom of expression is locked, are residents suffering from food shortages beginning to express their dissatisfaction. In videos shared on Twitter on Saturday, April 9, we can hear cries and whistles coming from many buildings as night falls. This is the method that some Chinese have found to express their dissatisfaction with health restrictions.

France Inter In this video he translated the comments of the man speaking in the dialect of the city. The latter describes: “At first some people shouted, then suddenly everyone started shouting because all of them did not know how long this blockade would last and why this decision was made. No explanation. We have been locked up for 7 days. We can leave the apartment, but not even our apartment. That Wrong, if it lasts too long, there will be problems. ” In particular, people have to deal with food shortages: many supermarkets are closed, and some find themselves without food.

In this other release, we find a resident installing his refrigerator on his balcony, with the doors open to underline his condition: completely empty.

Faced with this outrage, officials in China’s largest city announced on Monday that they would gradually allow residents in less polluted areas to move out of their neighborhoods, although it is not clear how many people will be able to leave their homes or when. Doubts about the use of these measures are raised on social networks, especially by recalling the pollution statistics with the map.

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