Earthquake in Morocco: Race Against Time Accelerates Anger

The death toll from Morocco’s worst earthquake in more than 60 years has risen in recent hours. Almost 2,500 people have now been affected and more than 2,400 have been injured. But three days after the earthquake, whose epicenter is in Al-Hawz province, in remote and hard-to-reach villages, aid has yet to arrive. However, time is running out trying to find survivors under the rubble.

Desolate images that now give way to anger. People point out that the authorities are managing the drama. In some villages, many testify to their loneliness in the face of this tragedy. Quentin Warlop, our special correspondent in the village of Imi N’Tala, explains that the army, civil defense and international aid have not yet been seen in these villages. The silence of the Moroccan authorities, starting with the king, raises more questions.

This Sunday evening, the first elements of first aid and international aid began to arrive.

Despite numerous offers of assistance from several foreign authorities, Morocco has so far accepted aid from four countries: Spain, the United Kingdom, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

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