Celine and her father make an “extraordinary” discovery while renovating their house in Liège: a historical treasure hidden behind…

Buried on Celine’s kitchen wall, behind the refrigerator, was a never-before-seen package of letters. Typed on a typewriter, these letters were exchanged between members of the Resistance during World War II.

An invention”ExceptionalBy the Belgian State Archives.

It’s amazing, we didn’t expect it at all“, Céline informs our microphone, showing us the exact spot where this historical treasure was hidden.”We wanted to update and we found documents… It is true that the house dates back to 1900, but we did not think that such documents were hidden here.“, exclaims Legios.

These documents set Céline and her dad dreaming as they discover the adventures these heroes have been having in the shadows. “The characters in the documents give codenames such as ‘The Falcon’ or ‘The Pheasant’. It is very challenging, but it is part of our history.”

The first recipient of these letters was Guillaume Dallemand, a former General Counsel who died 60 years ago. “He was undoubtedly a patriot., assures Bernard Wilkin, head of the State Archives. “He also has a son who was a war volunteer in 1940 and died in Germany in 1945..”

A member of the Resistance, Guillaume Dallemand had to manage the escape of the Allied pilots. A very dangerous move when you know that the fate reserved by the Nazis for resistance fighters is death. “Only a minority of the population take these risks of losing their lives. Either shot outright or deported to a concentration camp. Bernard Wilkin recalls.

Other letters may still be discovered as Celine and her father continue their restoration work.

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