Case of a Canadian being raped by elite police in France: Defendants deny the facts

Appeal hearingRape36“- Two police officers have been charged with raping a Canadian tourist At the then Parisian PJ (Judicial Police) headquarters, 36 quai des Orfèvres – eight years after the facts came out, begins Tuesday in front of the Aziz Court in Val-de-Marne.

In January 2019, Antoine Guirn, 43, and Nicholas Redouan, 52, were sentenced to seven years in prison, respectively, after being convicted of first raping Emily Spontane, now 42, in Paris. Two former members of the Valuable Research and Intervention Force (BRI), who deny the facts of their allegations, immediately appealed. The appeal hearing has already been adjourned twice: in March 2020, due to a corona virus infection, and then in June 2021, following the admission of a defense attorney, Mr. Thierry Herzog, to the hospital.

The complainant, who has twice come from Canada, will appear for trial again on Tuesday. “Mr. Redouane firmly believes he will prove his innocence before the Assize court. This story has ruined both his career and personal life.“, AFP Me Pascal Garbarini, one of the defense lawyers said.

I thought I would be safe there

Facts that made headlines in the press, the night before April 22, 2014. This Tuesday evening, a Canadian tourist named Emily Spontane passed through Paris and came to drink at the Irish Bubble in Saint. Michael, opposite the headquarters of the Paris Judicial Police, has now been transferred next to the Bodygnols Judicial Court (17th Arrondissement).

At this bar, he meets several BRI police officers. The atmosphere is flirtatious and agents make night visits to his famous “36”. – “Fancy deposits“-“I was drunk and knew I could not find my hotel. At least at one police station, I told myself that I could not drink again and that I would return once more relaxed.“, She explained in court in the first instance.”I thought I would be safe there. “

“She had a cough (Archie, editor note) soon”

She will be out of PJ headquarters for more than an hour, in shock condemning a rape. In the “36” office, the tourist confirms that the defendants forced him to drink a glass of whiskey and imposed oral sex and genital mutilation. One of the defendants, Nicholas Reduvan, admitted wrongdoing to the complainant, but he promised to agree. In the evening, he texted a colleague to join him: “She has a cough (Archie, author note). Send “.

The DNA of another police officer, Antoine Quirre, was found inside Emily Spondon’s vagina. He talked about approved digital navigation. In the first instance, the Paris court ruled in favor of its sentence. “Fixed announcements of the young lady“, Rather than criticizing”There are no evolving, imaginative and very reliable sedimentsOf the accused s “.

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The police have “Acting like trooperss “, Advocate General Philip Crowe condemned at the hearing.That night they were not police, but incompetent Fraser robbers, who behaved like they were being chased.“Both will be sentenced to a maximum of twenty years in prison. The verdict will be handed down on April 22.

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