Bernard Taby's widow owes tax authorities more than €15 million

Dominique Mialet-Damianos contested two tax notices issued in September 2017 requiring the Tapie spouses to pay 2.675 million in arrears of income tax for the years 1989, 1990 and 1991, 12.746 million euros and 12.746 million euros for the years 1993 and 1993 respectively. 2016, as well as payment of house tax for the year 2016 and penalties thereon.

Bernard Tabby, a relentless entrepreneur, sunk most of his acquisitions.

Ms. Mialet-Damianos' appeal was not allowed, so the decision of the highest French administrative court was final. The widow of the former minister and businessman, who died in October 2021, will have to pay a total of 15.422 million euros.

The tax administration had been trying to collect tax arrears from the Tappy couple for thirty years, but was prevented from doing so by the judicial dissolution of the businessman and his wife in December 1994.

In July 2015, the Paris Court of Appeal ruled that Dominique Taby, unlike her husband, was no longer in a situation of judicial liquidation, leaving open the possibility that the tax administration could demand the amount owed.

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